Behringer MX9000


New member
Does anyone have one of these? What do you think? Are you happy with it? Also, I just bought aused one, and I'm having a couple of problems adapting from my mackie vlzpro 1642. so if anyone wants to help me through my problems, send me an email at

My Problems

I checked every line and mic input when I got the board the other day, and on channels 1,5, and 24, the TRIM doesn't seem to affect the channel. I adjust it when setting levels on those channels and still no signal is showing on the meter bridge,but if I put the fader all the way up, then I get a little signal, but still, something weird is going on if the TRIM is having no affect, which kinda makes those chnnels worthless. Can ya help?
Hey this is a problem I had with my Eurorack a while ago. The connectors (the things that look like ide cables :)) between the input and the main board are not giving contact. I just opened the mixer, disconnected them cleaned connected again and now it's working perfectly.
I actually open up my mixer about twice a year (it's a bitch to do but), clean and lube the pots and faders, check the connections etc.

Yikes :(

My biggest complaint about Behringer boards is that they always seem to break down, I hope that this isn't the case with your board.

Just a couple of obvious things to check, are you sure you are plugged into the 'line in' and not the 'insert'?
If there is a 'Mic/Line' switch push it a few times to make sure it isn't stuck in the down position.
If you are hearing sound but not seeing a reading on the meters the SOLO circuit, meter bridge or connector cable may be defective, but the channel may still work.
Check all the channels with the same sound source and cable to be sure that it isn't a cable problem.

My advice to you would be:

1/ Never replace a Mackie with a Behringer ;)
2/ Kick the ass of whoever sold you the board if it is in fact defective.
3/ Try to get the seller to pay for the repairs.
4/ Kick their ass again just for the hell of it.

I hope you can get things sorted out. Good Luck :)