Behringer MX602 Mixer?


New member
Is this mixer any good? I'm looking for a small mixer with nice preamps for doing some small recording setups at live gigs and a few other places - just a general purpose mixer, but a small footprint is definitely an asset.

I've seen some decent reviews of it, but decided to ask this august forum.. (as opposed to the september forums I normally frequent :)
i have the 802 and i think it has done a GREAT job over the past year.
i use it all the time.
i think it's definitely worth spending the extra from the 602.
with four mic channels you can use it to record (even if not in the best way, of course) small band demos, a full drum kit,and anyway it's always better to have a few more inputs, even if you're not planning to record live.
with the 802 you also gain a few more features.
i'm not sure but i think it has a bus more, more tiny lights(if you love little flashing lights as much as i do :-)...) to monitor the sound level, and a few more connection option.
and it's not a lot bigger, in terms of space.
it sounds very, very good to my ears, and wonderful to my wallet :-).
hope this helps. i say: go for it!
Well... do a search on this forum for the keyword Behringer, and you'll have A LOT of info...

Personally, I wouldn't go with a Behringer mixer, but... well, anyways... try the search and then YOU decide.

Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound
Ok... so the accumalated knowledge of this board seems to indicate that Behringer is not the way to go. Ok, that's cool. So, if I'm looking for a small footprint mixer with nice mic pre-amps, where should I go? Need 4 inputs, but will take more if the size isn't too bad. Looking for something 7" x 12" or smaller, for sure. The Behringer was quite a bit smaller then that, but I can stretch to that big.


Thanks very much, ya'll.
Ok... so the accumalated knowledge of this board seems to indicate that Behringer is not the way to go. Ok, that's cool. So, if I'm looking for a small footprint mixer with nice mic pre-amps, where should I go? Need 4 inputs, but will take more if the size isn't too bad. Looking for something 7" x 12" or smaller, for sure. The Behringer was quite a bit smaller then that, but I can stretch to that big.


Thanks very much, ya'll.
i still think they're very good for the money you pay.
not anybody can afford 2000 dollars 48 track mixers..
anyway this people seem to know their thing way better than i do (not being sarcastic, really), so...
i suggest that you HEAR it anyway. you judge.
if you have a GOOD CHEAP better alternative to behringer, i'll be highy glad to know it, as i'll be changing my mixer soon (but just for the limited channels number). thanks a lot, and sorry if i misled you :-)
Yo'lemonsucker,I'm speaking from experience. Behringer mixers suck BIG TIME! Kindly do a "SEARCH" on this BBS
and you will find out why.A better mixer/s for approx the same cost and performance can be had by checking out Nady's
new line or even Samson.Nady's mixer's are a lil cheaper in
price yet offer the the same or better features then the Behringer.Now don't get me wrong,Behringer makes decent comps and dsp's,but mixers..4-get it! The s/n ratio alone is higher then my nephew's 2-track Gemini DJ mixer.
i've looked at samson and they dont look good to me. still, i understand i should HEAR them.
nady's mixers, insted, look like what i was looking for.
but i cant find prices for nady...
anyway, if behringer is total crap (which was a bad surprise to me), what do you guys think of soundcraft?
thanks a lot for the help!
The Nady looks pretty good - physically bigger then I would prefer, but <shrug> I'm not going to not get it for that. Unfortunately, it is pretty tough for me to listen to these things (the only mixers the places around here have a behringer) so... anyone else like the Nady SRM10/12/14?