Behringer EURORACK MX1604A or Spirit Folio Notepad?


New member
I've been looking around for decent quality mixers which won't blow my budget up. I've narrowed them down to the Eurorack and the Folio Notepad, they both cost around $300; besides I don't have many options here. I've heard many good things about the Notepad but not much about the Eurorack. I'll be basically recording drums, guitar, vocals and bass through the mixer(not with all of them at the same time) and I will connect it to my soundcard and record to my HD.

So if you could give me more insight to decide on one of the mixers I'd really appriciate it. Like quality of preamps or noise level, etc...
Well, I've heard good things about the Notepad also, but you can buy the Behringer MX1604A at Guitar Satan for $189 and the MX802A for $119. They both have the same preamps as the more expensive Eurodesks. As far as overall mixer quality goes, I couldn't say. Also, I think I've seen these prices at either 8th Street, Zzounds, Musc Friend, or one of those online stores.

I would go with the Behringer 1604A. I use this mixer for monitoring. The mixer has good functions for the price. It also has more routing options for you and has faders rather than knobs. Despite the higher price, you'll have more channels to work with and greater flexibility in routing signals.... (2 - auxilliary sends, 2-track phono in/out, alt 3-4 bus to send signals pre effects to a recorder, etc...)

The long and short of it is that you'll likely be content with this mixer for a longer time to come. Even if you were to use better preamps along the way, this board is still a clean board that has great functions for monitoring and maybe live stuff. (The fixed EQ section is not very useable, but I'm assuming that you'll be EQing stuff with a computer DAW or something else).

For more EQ control, you may want to consider the Behringer 2004. It has all of the functionality of the 1604 plus 4 more preamps, and a couple more stereo line inputs) AND sweepable mid EQ on the mic channels and 4-band fixed EQ on the stereo channels.

American Musical has Behringer stuff too. ( )

1604A - $199
2004 - $299

Rev E
Dont touch the Notepad offence
i have a 1604a and ill never regret buying it good mic preamps from Germany

if youve got a half decent rack and good mics
you dont have to touch the eq's

anyway you can do anything you want to the
sound once its on the DAW
I've got the Eurorack MX802A and for what it sounds, its great. Although time will tell how long some of the switches and knobs will stay precise( its a little glitchy at times).

But hey, there was a lawsuit filed by MACKIE against Behringer because they claimed that Behringer ripped off MACKIE's make of preamp technology. Read that at
I think. Hearing that, Im sticking with my mixer for a while.heh.
so far my mixer is a Mackie
any my compressor is a Drawmer
I hope my Rode's not a sennheizer
or however ya spell it LOL