Behringer, actually made something good

Looks decent..

$250 looks god... I need one of these guys.. hopefully the sound quality wont diminish to much runnin one of these puppies.
theres nothing wrong with euroracks...its just people's choice of insults and what not....wouldnt you put down fords and chevys if you were driving a mercedes and had a bmw and a jag back at the mansion?

Yum, motorised faders, they certainly looks good...

However, I don't notice any transport control on them... would be perfect if they have those... :)
Re: Looks decent..

Bstage said:
$250 looks god... I need one of these guys.. hopefully the sound quality wont diminish to much runnin one of these puppies.

lol. i dont know if this is ment to be a joke or not.
Re: Re: Looks decent..

ZiggY! said:
lol. i dont know if this is ment to be a joke or not.

The part about Behringer product being god...


how behringer has such a bad rep for destroying audio that we are now apparently led to believe they can taint audio signal via-midi...

this piece is tempting though, but I think I'll still end up going with a mackie control, if I can snag one on a deal.
Re: Re: Re: Looks decent..

Nosferous said:
The part about Behringer product being god...


how behringer has such a bad rep for destroying audio that we are now apparently led to believe they can taint audio signal via-midi...

this piece is tempting though, but I think I'll still end up going with a mackie control, if I can snag one on a deal.

The latter of the 2. Either its a nice attempt at sinisism, or he just doesnt know what the product does...

does this controller support Acid pro 4 at all?
cant find on the site where it says what applications it supports

Looks quite functional, though I don't see many more benefits over my old fadermaster pro (save the rotary controls.)
yah the sound doesnt actually go through the board, the faders just tell the software to turn the fader up or down. so it really shouldnt diminish any sound quality.

I used a behringer board for years without any problems.
Because it was considered low(er) class, i upgraded to a Mackie

nothing but problems since

I need to sell the behringer to pay for the repairs on the Mackie
go figure?