Behind me? What the...? How do they do that?


New member
In the Steve Vai song "Bad Horsie" at 2:29 there is a noise that sounds like a child crying or something like
that for a second. This sound seems to come from
about 20 feet behind me. How does he do this? I have played it for friends and they always turn their head around as if someone else is in the room.

Does anyone know how this is done?
One very easy way is to put the sound out-of-phase (with respect to itself and the other tracks) which many people hear as being behind them in the stereo field (although, of course, this is simply an illusion!)

Any ideas?

Hi, Bruce. Thanks for the reply.

I don't know how to put something 'out of phase'.

Do you know of a website that can teach me about this?
I would like to try it myself.

Hey GH... I don't think so...

Allusion is the act of alluding to or hinting at... whereas illusion is a misleading image presented to the vision (or in this case, sound!)

:D :D

Hey Bruce, were you one of those guys in school that every body begged to let them copy your homework?
YUP!!! I don't how/why I know some of this shit, 'cos I never studied any more than anyone else but... I just seem to know shit - ever since I was young!

:D :D

One more question

So how do I do it? Let's say I already have a song recorded. I would like to add a sound that appears to come from behind the listener. Anyone know of any techniques that I could use to do this?

Yeah, good question.....

I heard that you copy the tracks, invert the phase on one of them, pan one hard right, and pan the other hard left. If they are the same level, they cancel eachother out and you hear nothing.... but if one is louder than the other, it's supposed to sound like it's behind you.

I tried it though, and it didn't seem to work, just sound like it was panned a little to the right. Did I miss something, or a key element? Am I doin' it right?
Its called SRS or sound retreval system Its a new effect that creates a surround sound image with only two speakers.

Ive got one in my rack and I get these results everytime I use it.:cool:
No It doesnt cook and clean?

But It does this trick and you dont have to do anything but make an adjustment for the space and where the center of the sound is going to go.
What's the secret of that little box???

It could be something along this line, but then maybe doing a few more tweaks (or something) so that it ends up behind you instead of just beyond and behind the speakers??

I don't know, but it sure would be cool to figure this out. :)

I'm gonna get someone to work on one that does cook and clean, so there.
You can create the effects concerned without specialist gear, if you know a little bit about creating logarythms for delays and phasing.

Or yo make it real easy, create 2 files from 1, put them out of phase and push one of them forward in the track by a couple of miliseconds. Play around with your settings and don't forget to play back in both stereo or mono, as most of the time you will loose your volume alltogether when you collapse you mix to mono