Beginner's MF-P01 Question


New member
Hey guys,

I'm new to home recording so i'd really appreciate your help.

I just got a Tascam MF-P01 and recording to tracks 1 and 2 seems to work fine. However, when i tried recording to tracks 3 & 4 nothing seemed to be happening. I turned my cassette tape over and i discovered tracks 3 & 4 were recording to the other side of the cassette. How did that happen? Am i using the wrong sort of tape?

Any help appreciated!

Also, what sort of speakers will work in it? I tried plugging my computer speakers into it but the sound's really faint, even on full volume.

The way that a 4-track cassette deck works is not like a regular cassette. A cassette normally has 4 tracks recorded to as 'standard' format. These are actual physical splits of what area of the tape a sound source records to. On a regular cassette deck, the first two would be the right and left sides of side "A". When you flip the tape on a normal cassette deck, you are getting the second two paired, reversed, and on opposite pan sides. A 4 track doesn't recognize which side of a cassette is supposed to be playing it plays them all foreward at whatever volume level you set each track to and sends the mix out to left and right speakers depending on where the track is panned to. Putting a 4 track tape into a regular (i.e. 2 track) home stereo cassette deck means you will get track 1 in the left speaker, track 2 in the right speaker, because this is the way cassette decks were designed to play back. Tracks 3 and 4 are the equivalent to the 'B' side of a regular tape, and will not be heard on a regular 2 track playback, only backwards and on opposite sides when you flip the tape over.