Beginners computer Recording database?


New member
I've seen so many "getting started" by us newbies, that I was wondering if there is a database for beginners computer recording in existance anywhere.....or if there could be a sticky posted for establishing a widespread database of sorts?
I know it probably would depend on the application, but as I have encounter.
I've seen recommendations for Fruity Loops,N-tracks, Cakewalk Music creator, various versions of Cakewalk Sonar Home Studio, Cool edit, Cubase, Acid pro,etc.
Is there already a data base that does comparisons by users, explains their applications, comparatively rates their "ease of use" language that a beginner could understand? If not, would it be possible to start a sticky here that might do that?
just a thought......
I think you've already found a pretty good place to get beginner info. I don't know about a comparison list for software, but there are plenty of reviews for almost any product all over the net, compiling them would be daunting, if not pointless. As far as the "what do I need" kinds of questions. Those get answered here a lot. I think the best answers are usually given when the questions are fairly specific, like "which is better, and why?" or, can this piece of gear do "this".
i'd say do a search on here and try out as many trial versions as possible. Remember; you can usually get older versions cheaper at your local music store, you don't always need the most current version. I picked up cubase sx (1) a while back for a fraction of what sx3 would have cost me... i don't feel as though i'm "missing out" many important features.
