Beginner in FX Bus with amp sim, help !

Johnny Rico

New member
Hi, I'm learning to use FX bus to uses less CPU ressources when I need to get many guitar tracks with the same amp simulator and the same presets.

I used to learn this technique with Overloud TH1 on a project with two guitars , one panned 100% left and the other 100% right, the result is great, only one TH1 instance with the same sound resulting on two different guitar tracks panned in stereo.

Sadly, it appears that every other amp sim I used with this technique don't work in stereo: with the same setup, the two guitars are not panned in stereo, they remain in the center of the panning, like if they were mixed in mono.

The same result is meeted with Revalver, Amplitube, and some other freewares...

I use Reaper 3 as a DAW.

Does this problem is considered as normal, and should I conclude TH1 is a (great) exception ??

Is there any tricks I may get to help me in this way ?

The main objective is naturally to keep CPU ressource, and not to be forced to use an instance of any amp simulator for EVERY guitar tracks...

Thanks !

(hopin this thread will be understood by all, I'm french)
Hi, I'm learning to use FX bus to uses less CPU ressources when I need to get many guitar tracks with the same amp simulator and the same presets.

I used to learn this technique with Overloud TH1 on a project with two guitars , one panned 100% left and the other 100% right, the result is great, only one TH1 instance with the same sound resulting on two different guitar tracks panned in stereo.

Sadly, it appears that every other amp sim I used with this technique don't work in stereo: with the same setup, the two guitars are not panned in stereo, they remain in the center of the panning, like if they were mixed in mono.

The same result is meeted with Revalver, Amplitube, and some other freewares...

I use Reaper 3 as a DAW.

Does this problem is considered as normal, and should I conclude TH1 is a (great) exception ??

Is there any tricks I may get to help me in this way ?

The main objective is naturally to keep CPU ressource, and not to be forced to use an instance of any amp simulator for EVERY guitar tracks...

Thanks !

(hopin this thread will be understood by all, I'm french)

This is normal - amp sims aren't really intended to take more than one track.

Think about what they do - they simulate a guitar amplifier. If you patch more than one guitar into an amp (say, a Y cable or something), then the amp is going to treat it like it's a single guitar, even if you have two players playing.

This is sort of what's happening in the bus - all of the tracks are being processed as a single track, which isn't really what you're after withmulti-tracked guitar parts.

And really, a lot of the benefit of having multiple tracks of guitar is using different tones from track to track. You can't really get that with a single amp sim on a bus. Even the TH1 is less ideal, in this regard...