
Down here in Aus they call a "box" a "cask" (despite still having a box-like shape). However, they do put some pretty acceptable wines in said casks. I tend to have a box/cask of a very nice Traminer-Riesling in the fridge at all times (not to mention a few bottles of beer).

And of course, you take the the bladder out of the box and you have a "goon bag". Then you peg the goon bag onto your Hills Hoist in the backyard and all stand around and play Goon of Fortune, a uniquely Australian experience:

Plus, once depleted, you have a handy inflatable pillow to help you sleep it off. I think we in Australia invented the wine cask/box - one of our finest moments of innovation.

Traminer riesling Bobbsy? Quelle horreur! But at least it's not Fruity Lexia.:eek::laughings:
I'm not a big fan of microbrews. All of them try to be so esoteric and on some bleeding edge somewhere. Then pseudo-fans rave about how good it is because they don't want to be left out of the cool crowd. None of them brew a beer for the sake of drinking beer.

I usually just drink wine. Mostly from a box. It's cheaper. :D

But when I do drink beer and want something special, I drink Shiner. I'm the most un-interesting man in the world. :)

the last time I drank wine from a box (or boxes) was a Rod stewart, Diana Ross, Shirley Bassey concert (dont ask, I love them all) in Hide Park London, even made a sophisticated picnic with hamper to have on the lawns first (it was an open air gig)...Just me, my wife to be, and a very gay friend (his boyfriend left pretty sharp when he realised how drunk we were getting) (I really like brackets)

I staggered in during Diana Ross, fell backwards on a child, when her dad complained I smacked him, was escorted out, then got in a strangers car convinced he was a private taxi.

That was one of the days (theres been a couple) where my wife considered leaving me :D