beautiful day


New member
so, after a long absence, here's a (VERY) rough mix of a song we recorded over christmas break. note that I will probably want to redo the bass part...... there is something up with our bassist's bass, the active pickup thing just really fucks with our preamps.....

also, I have yet to be able to get a good kick drum sound. this depresses me greatly. :(

oh well. hit me up with any comments you may have. thanks.

oh, and the song's called beautiful day, in case you couldn't tell.
I love it!

The stick sound is too loud but the song has a great motion to it.

I even like the kick alright, it's just a bit loud.

sounds nice, thanks.

It's a beautiful day to push right through the grain.....

The drummer sounds like he's having a stroke at the end, that needs work...a punch in maybe?
Well, the song is ok, a little monotonous towards the end but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The guitar at the beginning is just a tad out of tune. The drums sound like they were recorded with just a few dynamic mics which is not necessarily a bad thing, if the drums sounded well tuned, but the snare sounds too loose for the song, and some of the cymbals sound like crap (but maybe they are really nice cymbals and it's the microphones not doing them justice). The mix is not too tight either.

hey guys, thanks for the comments.

yeah, the drums really bug me a lot, too..... probably going to scrap this song, in the long run. it was a 58 in the kick, a 57 on snare, and two rode nt3s as overheads. the drums just weren't really well tuned, so that's our fault.

any advice on maybe creating a tighter mix?
This is a really good song ... definitely don't scrap, just work on it. I think it is worth it! The kick sounded good to me.

I would check the levels since it seems that the break with the piano and guitar are much louder than the rest of the mix.

The kick sounded good on my end for the most part. Just some of the levels seemed a little mis-matched throughout the tune. Maybe some eq or a different mix can fix it.

Very nice tune all in all! It is a keeper for sure!

thanks a lot guys. I guess we might re-record it sometime, but it is a fairly repetitive song as it stands now..... maybe just work out a better ending. I guess the break is a little loud; I'll lower that a bit. Also, decided that the snare mic just sounds like ass, so I'm just going to use the two overheads. I'll re-post the song in the very near future.

What does everyone think about the vocals?
boydrj said:

Just some of the levels seemed a little mis-matched throughout the tune. Maybe some eq or a different mix can fix it.

which parts (other than the break) seem to stand out the most to you, mismatched level-wise?
I hate to keep bumping this thread up, but I was just wondering what anyone thought about the vocals...... if the eq, compression, etc. I chose was okay for them. if people liked them/thought they were ridiculously bad. thanks.
I thought the vocals sounded nice. But they're getting clobbered by the other instruments - most of the guitar parts, the cymbals, the piano, etc.

I would try to make some EQ cuts in those intruments to give the vox a hole to poke through.

A few distracting dynamics here and there.

But all in all, a pretty good job.
I really like this song. Nobody has thrown out a comparison yet, so i'm gonna say it sounds very "eels"-like :)

I think the vocals sound fine. I would bring them up just a tad - they sound a little too quite to me. Love the vocal arrangement toward the end, before the distorted guitar comes in.

I hated the snare sound the first time I listened to this, but its growing on me. I don't think that the kick sound matches the sound of the rest of the kit. It's not a bad sound, but it just doesn't work with the rest of the kit. Everything but the kick sounds very "open" (for lack of a better word), with the kick sounding more "thuddy" (ok, i'm pretty sure I made that one up :)) Hard to describe, but I hope you can tell what i'm getting at. Since you mentioned you were going to scrap the snare mic, you might also try getting rid of the kick mic and just using the overheads. Or maybe move the kick mic further away from the beater. Anyways, i'm not a drum person, so that's enough on that :)

I really liked the piano & guitar parts towards the middle, but I agree with boydrj that they are too loud. The piano also sounds like the keys are being hit really hard on some of the notes, I think it'd fit the song better, if it sounded a little smoother - less attack.

Last thing - I'd stretch the fade at the end out a little longer, but only if you can get the drummer to chill out a little :D

Great song!

is the file a bit too big for you guys?

I'm kind of anal when it comes to sound quality, but maybe 224 kps is a bit of a stretch.......
Thumbs up! :) Sounds much better, IMO. I noticed a couple of things in this version:

I can't hear the kick anymore. :D I'm listening on headphones, so maybe someone else could add something, but I honestly can't hear it for 90% of the song, and the other 10% is just a hint of where it should be.

The closed hi-hat seems to stick out a lot more during the quiet parts. I'm not sure if I just didn't catch it last night, or if it's louder in this version, but it could be brought down a little, IMO of course.

At about 2:20, the guitar comes in loud, and the volume fades down within a second or 2. Not sure if you meant to do that.

Guitars + piano sounds much better. Everything seems to "fit together" better in this version. Pardon my nitpicking, I have to comment on the songs I really like, because I can tolerate listening to them over and over :D Good job!


you stumbled upon the main change.......... NO KICK.

I just didn't like the sound..... so I took both it and the snare mic out. all you hear now are the overheads. I turned the bass up a bit to compensate.

I had completely forgotten to lower the volume on that initial guitar attack. thanks for reminding me.

I don't know if I can do much else with this song...... at least with the current recorded tracks..... it was a pretty quick process.

any others?
Why does cominginsecond's thread get all the replies?

oh, right...... cause his song's really good........ I forgot...... :(
hey dude, this song is fuckin incredible. seriously, something i would buy, you guys still jammin as a band and do you have a website? there are sone tech, problems that ahve already been covered but the "feel" is there. great VOXXXXXXXXXXXXX peace the dude.
the dude........

what did you like about the vox? could you perhaps be more specific?
this is actually a song we recorded with a friend of ours, Jeremy.
as it stands now, we don't have a website, as we're not a full-time band. it's just me and my friend phil, who is the singer (as well as co-songwriter with me).