Beat Down (Dubstep) by Rockonin


New member
Hey guys here's a song i have just finished. Took me a while to mix because there was so much going on in the mix (first mix). The song is in F# minor at 140bpm. I used Massive and Sylenth for all the synth parts. I created the vocals by using the Google translate tool. I chose the French to English option and wrote the phrases in English, then used my audio interfaces loop function to record it. Let me know what you think. Cheers.

I'm not a big fan of the genre, but it sounds really good to me.

Not a ton of suggestions. It seems highly compressed and my ears got a little tired even at fairly low volumes.

but that's about it.
I don't like that lead tone at all, but the other sounds are cool. If you replaced the lead sound with a guitar playing the same riff, it could really lift it