Beat Battle

Murdock Jones

New member
Ay, I went to this beat battle last night, from what I understand they hold 'em every last Thursday of the month here in Tha A...Man some of them dudes had some real heat. Made me want to go home and step up my game, but some dudes had no business getting up there. Do y'all have'em in your cities, and if so do catz bring the heat? I suggest everyone going to one if you can. Overall it was a real fun experience.
2 producer played beatz for 45 seconds, and then the judges decide who moves to the next round, until one producer is left.....

Yeah, Beats you should start it off in the Yay, no doubt you would get a good turn out.
No, they come with battle CDs. They give the sound man their CDs before the battle. The host MC anounces who's up next, so the sound man knows which CDs to put in, then the two completeing producers come up on stage, with their little sheets, and they get on the mic and tell then sound man which track to play. The host MC annouces the producers name, the sound man plays the track the producer request for 45 second, then the host MC announces the other producers name, and the cycle repeats. The celeb judges decide who wins, after the second producers track is played. The winner moves to the next round, until there's a winner.
They got a bunch in NYC, but that's 9 hours from me. I'll probably hit some this summer.

There's usually one going on online though which is good for promo and practice.
You talking about the "Producer's Swap Meet" @ Apache Cafe. I went last month, its a great atmosphere and you can network and shit, I got to hook up w/ DJ Toomp and a lot of the Grand Hustle folks last time. I was supposed to go this month but I had a session to run... :(. Yea, the beat battle is good (the white guy Wallstreet told me after the event that I should be in the beat battle after hearing some of my shit during the beat suite) but there be some people up there who just embarrass themselves. Who won this month? Sam Adams won last time I was there. Mane Murdock, we both from GA, we need to hookup on some shit, imma bout to get some session bass and keyboard players to come in and work with me to enhance my production, I know we could come up w/ some tight shit mane!
O, and beat battles are a good place to sell beats and pick up new clientelle as well as network... Trust me on that 1.
Yeah that cat Wall St. and Sam Adams had some heat!!!! Sam was there this time, but he wasn't in the battle. He actually got a deal with someone, I don't know who, since the last battle. This month it was between IO, and this dude M16. M16 won. It's definitely a place to market yourself in a big way.....JB you got my number playa, you know you can holler at me.
Man, I kind of like the idea of giving producers a sample or style, have them put on the headphones and go at it for about 20 minutes. Like a free style. Then see who came up with the better beat. One on one... You'd see the producers hands going crazy and all that on the keys... :D I'm going to do that for real...
BeatsBuY said:
Man, I kind of like the idea of giving producers a sample or style, have them put on the headphones and go at it for about 20 minutes. Like a free style. Then see who came up with the better beat. One on one... You'd see the producers hands going crazy and all that on the keys... :D I'm going to do that for real...

lol....That'd be tight...but.. 2 words..

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