BBE Sonic Maximizer vs. Art Tube MP Preamp

jim ervin

New member
Does anyone have any experience using the BBE Sonic Maximizer and the Art Tube MP Preamp? Are these similar preamps that do the same thing in a different way or are they two completely different animals altogether? I've heard about the BBE in terms of "having the pillows removed from the front of your speakers", while the Art tends to "warm up" whatever's running through it (vocals, bass, guitar, etc). This information would help me for my home studio that I'm setting up (I'm using the Korg D8 recorder)and, needless to say, I'm a novice at this. I would greatly appreciate any feedback from anyone who knows something about this.
Don't know much arout the art tube preamp, but BBE is great for enhancing the signals you like. I use it for bass guitar sometimes, but mostly for enhancing my final mix. Go to a music store and check one out!!
I know there are several different models of the BBE, in several different price ranges. Which one do you have?
They can both benefit you. THe maximizer adds upper harmonic distortion the makes the sound seem clearer and corrects low end phase to make more tight, consistant bass. THe tube pre adds fullband even-harmonic distortion and a touch of light compression. Even harmonic distortion is what makes tube overdrive on oh say a MARSHALL sound so sweet in comparison to a fuzz box or something.
So if I were to use both the BBE and the Art for recording purposes, would I use both at the same time or separately? Plus, how would I set these up using external effects?
Jim, these are both good units, but I strongly recommend you not run out and buy either one of them yet. Not at all a slam, but even if you hadn't said you were new to this, I think I might have guessed...if you don't know what "warm up the sound" means from a gut level (not just the definition from the store guy or here or anywhere else) or you have to worry about how to hook them're not ready. Wait till you desperately need something for a specific purpose...don't just throw money at problems that you don't even have yet!

Besides, since you're using digital, it's possible that either one or both of these analog boxes might end up as software packages eventually.