BBE Sonic Maximizer Plug-In.


New member
Well i got my hands on this plug in and wow. Love it really makes a difference when your mastering songs. Im no pro im just a beginner so im just getting some tips for mastering but this plug really gives some "balls" to the overall mix... anyone agree?

If your recording metal get this plug trust me it helps with distortion :D
Either your ears are shot or your recording is bad. The BBE is something that you use to rescue muddy and otherwise badly recorded tracks. You would be much better off learning how to get better sounds in the first place.

BTW, if you are setting the 'process' above 2, you have gone way too far.
At least "2" too far.

I agree... The BBE SM (along with most other aural exciters) should all be thrown into a pile pf burning maul-the-band compressors.