Battle of New Orleans

This is a bedroom recording of a classic country song that is a crowd favorite at my weekly restaurant gig. I’m hoping I can get our percussionist to replace the canned drums.

Comments on the overall arrangement, troublespots, balance, EQ, etc. welcome.

Thank you for listening.


  • Battle of New Orleans.mp3
    5 MB
I'm missing acoustic guitar during the verses. I think it needs it to fill in the sound since there's no bass. Banjo and drums are all I hear. And you might want to sing a harmony line in the chorus or maybe at least add an octave, rather than just doubling the main vocal, or if you just want to do like the original, you need a "group" of backgrounds. I grew up listing to Johnny Hortons Greatest Hits, so I'm really familiar with many of his songs, Whispering Pines, North To Alaska, Sink the Bismark, and of course Battle of New Orleans.