Bass Strings


New member
I'm having trouble getting a good recording of my bass. I played bass in bands in the '70's, using a Fender Jazzbass with Rotosound round wound strings. For playing with a band I'd get a lot of "punch", but when I record, the strings sound way to bright and noisy, like finger noise on an accoustic. I can EQ a lot of it out, and the low end sound great, but I loose all the attack and it sounds like a keyboard or a synthbass. I'm probably overdue to change strings ;) - anyone have any experience recording with different bass strings? Thanks.
I put on a set of rotosounds last time i changed strings and have to say they seem to keep their brightness a lot longer than others i have tried. Up until now ive mainly used Stadium Elites which seem to be less bright but still have a nice punchy sound for a while.