Bass Sequencing ?

jay clarke

New member

I am a guitarist and I wish to program or sequence a bass acompaniment to various stuff ive written. I have programmed the drums perfectly using acoustica beatcraft and they sound fab.

And i was wondering is there anyway of sequencing convincing rock bass?

I have cubase but don't have or want to use a midi keyboard, is there a way i can program bass that sounds good for rock music in a method other then midi?

and if not are there any midi sequencers that are ideal for the job of programming bass?

I dont have a bass or bass amp cos im a guitarist, but once again any ideas anyone has about replicating bass as I have done with drums to go as backing for recorded guitar will be very welcome!


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Pretty much any sequencing you do will involve midi, unless you want to use pre-recorded loops. Any good sequencer would be ideal for programming bass; good programming is the result of a good programmer, not a piece of software.

Well I have cubase, dont really know how to use it very well but it seems to want me to have a midi keyboard which i dont have, does it have a programable midi sequencer? if not, is there any goodens you would reccomend?