Bass, man, bass!!!


New member
The final piece to my demo puzzle is bass guitar. I have a Squier Affinity P-Bass (I know it's a cheap bass, but it's all I could afford). I have a Whirlwind Imp 2 direct box and I record on my PC through the M-Audio Omini Studio and use Sonic Foundry Vegas as my multitracking software. I also have an Alesis Nanocompressor and Nanoverb. Anyone have some suggestions for recording a useable bass track? I'm sure this topic has come up before, but since I am a newbie, I really could use the help. Thanks.
Its really gonna depend on the sound you are after...I would guess, after working with some similar equip, that the bass straight into the Omnis preamps will work can throw the compressor on an aux channel if you need it, but if you can get away with tracking without it and doing the compression with software, it will come out better.....

as a veteran newbie, I can tell ya that that outboard gear you have is nothing compared to the plugins you have at hand.....
I'd suggest just running your bass straight in to your mixer/preamp. You'll have nothing but problems if you try micing a cabinet (EQ, phase, etc), and a DI box i sunnecessary, unless you're catching hum or noise from the aforementioned solution.

The only piece of equipment you'll need to consider is a compressor somewhere in your chain. Are you using a DAW? Compress your bass there, instead of adding your Alesis compressor. If not, use your mixer's bass track insert to add the compressor. If you don't have an insert, or a DAW, or a preamp (to use before the compressor, don't use just the compressor before your mixer), then... uh... don't use a compressor. Just play more consistently.

Other than that, you'll get the sound you need (hopefully) from your bass settings. If you get a lot of hum or buzz from just your bass, consider 1) changing the battery in your bass and 2) turn your buzzy pickup down (usually the one further from the middle, if that makes sense).
Does anyone else here ever post stuff that is ignorant of the information given in the original post? Dang, I'm sorry about that, twincop.

Autopilot. :D
Thanks everyone. I tried some of the suggestions and I am getting a much better sound than before. You guys are always helpful and my stuff sounds better because you guys are willing to share your knowledge.