bass kick and boom


New member
in some albums, you can here two types of bass kicks. one would be the tight sounding kick, and one would be a big pounding kick that lasts a few seconds and fades off. if you are listening to the music with a subwoofer hooked up, this sounds amazing. an example of what im talking about is in chevelle's song "comfortable liar" or most linkin park tunes. how do they go about getting this sound? other than sampling the sound in, is there a way i can create this kind of sound?
i would guess that what you are hearing on those records are samples layered on top of read drums all neatly lined to an electronic groove in protools. you could do it that way.

if you want some 60hz "we like the cars that go" BOOOOM there are some other ways as well. get yourself a $5 trigger and a $50 simmons drum brain from a used bin somewhere. track with it if you please. or you can just send the kick track out to it during mixdown and slide it under the kick. those old simmons brains (sds8 is a cheap one that fucking rocks) have big old fat analog synths in them. great great great for "were tigra and bunny and we like the" BOOOM.

also, if you get a nice 24"-26" kick and tune it up right, double head it, you might be able to pull some of that shit off in the acoustic world. it will probably take some tricky micing and eqing though. a kick has a lot less 60hz than you think.
yah as far as triggers and stuff go, im not worried about that stuff unless i start playing this live (which ill set up triggers with samples). i was just wondering if anybody knew how to create this stuff. i guess what im thinking of doing is finding sample files and editing them to what i want them to sound like... then layer them over top like you said. im running a roland vs-2480... so that wont be a problem :)

ill do the editing of the samples on the computer. what software do you recommend for that? im just starting to get into the software end so i dont have protools. the only software i have is soundforge (dont know if its a good software to use or not).
i would start with some 808 kick samples. they have that boom and a nice attack to supplement your recorded kick. and if you dont want that attack you can just filter it out.

808 samples abound. not much need to edit them.
hey eeldip... i downloaded a bunch of 808 samples... im gonna try them and see how they are. i dont like the sound of any of them, but the bass drum sounds might work.

ill let you know how it works out. thanks
the boomy kick that kicks in every couple of bars on "comfortable liar" sounds a lot to me like the triggered samples korn uses. you could always sample the kick or of "dead bodies everywhere" on follow the leader, the intro is just that kick by itself.
thanks, but the only problem is that i would only be getting that sound at 128 or 192 kbps. that would be not great for recording quality, correct? is there anywhere i could find a better quality sample of a kick like that?

*EDIT - actually now that i compare the sound of the bass drum on that korn song and the tr808... i actually like the 808 kick better. ive got the 808 kicks at 706 kbps (which i believe would be better for recording!)

maybe i dont fully understand the science behind what kbps actually means. anybody wanna enlighten me? all i really know is that there is more physical data for the song is it has a higher kbps, which technically should make it fuller and smoother sounding. if you have a low enough kbps, the file is made up of little data, making it sound crappy. lol, thats my take on it in layman's terms.
128 or 192, well yeah if you download a mp3, but if you sample off the CD it would be better.
there are a lot of loop sites out there like, just google "drum loops" some sites want you to register, most don't.
^ check out my edit

yah ive been lookin at a lot of loops, i used to own acid 3.0 (someone borrowed it and never gave it back yet). but i dont remember having any loops with the sound i want.

anyways, thanks for your help guys
hahaha, thats awsome. so i guess if i want to make girlies dizzy, ill still with the 808 kick lol.

anyways, ill see how it works out when i get a chance to play around with them.
AFXSguy said:
hey eeldip... i downloaded a bunch of 808 samples... im gonna try them and see how they are. i dont like the sound of any of them, but the bass drum sounds might work.

ill let you know how it works out. thanks

the idea with the bass drum is to let your real bass drum cover most freqencies and use the 808 as a little subsynth kinda effect.

dont like the 808 sounds? sheesh. someone needs to watch breakin' 2 again!
ah hahaha

yah i will definately use my kick as the base of this sound (no pun intended, bass, base). but i can make that pounding ringing sound with my bass drum. layering an 808 kick overtop might sound excellent.