Bass heads direct out compared to a DI box


New member
Hey there all.

Looking for a touch more advice here.

Im in the process of buying some gear, I have my mackie onyx 400f sitting at home with a couple of mics and i;m waiting on another pay check to pick up somse monitors.

Just a quick question regarding bass, how (would you guess) this bass heads direct out would hold up compared to say, the onyx's instrument input or a dedicated DI box (we'll say around $100 - 150 mark)

(this head - )

any comments muchly appreciated.

It would depend on the head and DI in question. In the end you'll just have to try them out and see. You might like to do different things for different songs.
Think of it in terms of degrees, with direct on one end, a mic on the cab at the other, comming off the amp could be somewhere in between.