Bass Guitar and Kick Drum Freq


New member
Is there a good starting point for EQing the bass guitar away from the kick drum freq so they dont blend together?
ANy suggestions?

First you have to decide which one is going to be dominant in the lower frequency.

Sometimes I give the kick a nice bump at 80hZ with a corresponding cut in the bass. Other times I make the bass more of the "low" instrument.
A good trick a live sound guy told me:
if your kick sounds a bit muddy or cardboard, boost the low mids and sweep the frequency until you find the frequency causing this sound. Cut that frequency.
Now you have a little hole in your freq.spectrum which you can fill in the bass channel. (this freqs will usually be between 100-250Hz)

Remember, if you have to EQ something more than +/- 6dB there is something wrong with mic placement, mic choice, the source sound or anything in between.

Hope this helps,