Bass DI


New member
Does anyone out there know how the Hughes and Kettner Red Box MkII compares to other DI boxes and whether it is a decent choice for recording bass guitar?
i've used the redbox out of an amp before, but i really like my SANSAMP BASS DI better than the DI from the amp.
it's quieter.....
it also has the parallel out, which is very nice.
clean thru signal, you can do something 'else' with

they also have a better version of it in a rackmount, geddy lee uses one as his only onstage amp, for years now.....
I'd like to get a SANSAMP but money it tight and I've had this thing laying around forever. I bought it to use on stage years ago but we ended up not running the guitars through the board. I actually forgot I had it and just found it buried in a drawer ...
I'm gonna try it. I just have no way of comparing it to other units and was wondering if it was known to suck for bass, comparatively speaking.