bass DI box for live performances


New member
I'd like to purchase and have my own DI box in order to be prepared for hits at any venue I may need to play...especially my weekly regular which has no di boxes in house.

Any reccomendations for live electric bass usage?

The countryman?

Groove Tubes Brick/Ditto - I own it (Brick) and love it for bass. The ditto is the DI only without the preamp.
Avalon U5 - On the wish list
Oh yeah! I'm DEFINITELY getting the Avalon U5 next month but have no intent to carry it around with me everywhere for live performances. I'll keep that to recording at the crib.

Essentially, I want a DI to keep in my gig bag for anywhere I play that may need one & I play a steady Monday night gig where I do in fact need one (the balanced line out on my Acoustic 370 head is not working). I do plan on fixing my bass head but I don't always use that particular amp and feel like I may get more use out of a DI since I can apply it to a wider variety of situations. Much love,
Should I be looking for passive or active?

Is it worth waiting until I can afford an active?

I play a Fender Precision Special (1983). It has active pickups but I don't use them...P is for passive, baby! Seriously, I don't have a battery in my bass. This info is in case it helps anyone help me. Thanks a lot,