Bass Combo Choices


I'm either mad or both
Hi All

anyone have any experience with these bass combos:
Hartke A100
Fender Rumble 100w
Laney RB3 65watt

Also anyone got suggestions (aside from those listed) for a medium sized (50-100 watt) bass combo to be used in a small hall.


ps.I know Hartke owns Behringer but apparantly their bass amps are quite good for the price.
IMO, 50-100w is insufficient for playing in a rehearsal room with a rock drummer, let alone a hall. I have a SWR Basic Black (now replaced by the more powerful Black Beauty), which is 140w, and really submarginal in a loud band volume-wise, but sounds awesome, and is incredibly versaltile. It is also neither particularly large, or heavy. If you don't need the volume, it would be great, and they sell for about $300 nowadays.
Go ahead and toss out the Fender Rumble 100. Those things are total pieces of crap, both in quality and in sound. I got rid of mine and went over to a Fender Bassman 250 2x10 combo and although I started off with 2 that were evidently from a bad quality run at Fender, the dealer took care of me and the 3rd has been going strong for almost a year now. Clear, punchy, responsive, and has sounded great with every bass I've played through it.
If you are set on getting a small cheap combo check out the Ashdown Electric Blue series. I have the 180 watt with the 12" speaker and it works great. Light weight and has a nice tone. It also has an XLR out so you can run it into a PA or mixer for recording.
Thanks Guys

I live in South Africa so models like Ashdown and SWR are quite hard to get hold of cause they dont come into the country that often.

Basically the amps I see here in shops are like:
Trace Elliott (if you're lucky)

Thats pretty much it..... In my area anyways.
I've got a weirrdd Laney combo.. 120watts, but last night played rehealsals with it, volume knob at 2, with a drummer and 2 guitarists..

But I like the tone of that combo, and some fellow bassists have complemented on that too.
I have an Ampeg B100R. I just got back from playing in a large venue Saturday. A sound company provided the PA. I set the Ampeg up on stage where the drummer and guitarists could hear me, plugged the Ampeg's line out into a direct box and then into a mic cable to the snake into the board. I was told it sounded great in the house and it functioned as a monitor onstage.

But that's not what I really like about the Ampeg: it sounds terrific with any bass I plug in.
clinton said:
ps.I know Hartke owns Behringer but apparantly their bass amps are quite good for the price.
I think they own samson not behringer.

BTW I just picked up a Eppi Valve Jr head tube 5 watt head.
I have been using it for my bass with a 15 in floor wedge. Sounds great.
It is louder than my 50 watt transistor amp.
I doubt many people will agree but Crate makes some alright bass amps. I've played quite a few and owned a BX-100. The BX-100 sounded better than the comparable Ampeg 15" IMO for a lot less. Not a bad option if you are on a budget. Plus they usually have good build quality.