Bass amp simulator question

yea...i heard someone mention some ampeg cab impulses awhile back, and found them by doing a google search. the SVX cabs don't sound bad, but it seems to definitely add more punch when using a well-made 3rd party impulse.
ampeg makes an svt simutator and its pritty cool, can some one plz tell me how to post a new thread message me or just respond here
the sansamp plugin is pretty good too, although i find myself using that for odd uses other than bass. things like distorting vocals and such.

i really like the ampegSVX plug though for the times when i can't record a bass amp or just don't want to. for quick demos it makes the bass way more than bearable.
SansAmp RBI, SWR Interstellar Overdrive pre, BBE MaxT, Countryman 85, and for around $75 bucks at GeetarMart, the Hartke BassAttack.

Love em all. The Hartke is particularly good for that modern bass sounds. I didnt really 'get' it listening to it through an amp, but when you plug it in directly through the board it gets very tasty and simple.

And its frikkin CHEAP!!
I generally go through an Avalon U5. I also love the Joe Meek VC1. This thing gives a monster bass sound with the opto-compressor. Sometimes I go through both. If I am really lazy, I will plug into a countryman DI, If the battery is dead and I am too tired to reach for the phantom power switch a-l-l-t-h-e-w-a-y-a-c-c-r-o-s-s-the console I will give up and watch "Leave it to Beaver" with a giant stogie hanging out of my mouth.