Bass amp help --- new to bass


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I just recently purchase my first Bass (currently a guitarist). Its a Fender P-bass deluxe --- sort of a cross between the P-bass and Jazz.

I would like to use this to record, but would also like to have the abliity to play with a group if needed.

My ex-girlfriend had an Ampeg B100R and I loved the tone, but thought of exploring other options.

A bassist friend of mine made another suggestion and I was now considering the following configuration:

Tech 21 RBI Sansamp (rack unit Sansamp)
Power AMP
Avatar Speaker cab.

1. Does this sound like a good option for both recording and gigging purposes.

2. am I better off w/ 4x10 than a 2x12 or 1x15?
how about a 2x10 and maybe add a 1x15 later?
What sort of amp will I need?
4 or 8 ohm.... bridged mono or stereo? should I get it stock or spray paint it hot pink and attach one of those hula dancer bobble-head dolls... any advice appeciated
Bumped as I have similar questions.

DI-ing through the PA seems to be the obvious answer for gigs (?) and must surely help with getting a better mix. Don't like the idea of having huge bass volume on stage, just enough for monitoring. Also who wants to spend a fortune on a massive rig which you only use for gigs?

So something around 150 Watts, not too awkward to take to rehearsals, loud enough that the drummer can hear it? With a good quality line out for the PA.

Picker your mate's idea sounds good - if you put the RBI and power amp in a little rack case that would make it easier to move around. Might lack a little warmth, depite what Sansamp claim. As for cabs, you really need to go to a shop and see which sound you like. I find a 1*15 a bit flabby, lacks punch when you play the top string.

I am very impressed with my little Gallien Kruger combo, bu tneed a bit more volume.
I really enjoyed my Gallien-Kruger 200rcb with a 2x10 cab. I did quite a few jobs with it. I sat it on a stand behind me at shoulder level. I ran a direct out to the house system. Nice punchy tones onstage without a lot of pressure or heavy cabinets, and clean output when used for recording .
I use one of my Fender heads (Bassman135) with an ART compressor, and a 4x10 cab most of the time now. It handles most any job I need to do and the ART serves as a good DI if I need to go to a house system.
for the record, here's my experience...

I used to have an old late 70s Sunn Concert Bass head with a Laney cab (1x18, 2x10 in one cab), and it was pretty damn loud, really.. Obviously, the Sunn head has no DI out. After a while, I aquired a Crate BX100 combo, 15" speaker, eq, DI out. It does just as well as my bigger rig, plus with DI and independant DI level control, and it was the most versatile amp i'd used, really.

Now, I'm not saying to go out and buy a Crate. 'Cause, well... tone-wise, it's not the best. But a good 1x15 combo, or a head and 2x10 cab or similar setup would be great for what you want. Some amps have really nice direct outs, others are a bit weak. If you find an amp that has killer tone, but no DI (or poor di) don't worry, buy a GOOD DI separately.

I'd suggest a Gallien-Krueger amp setup, SWR, Ampeg, or Trace-Elliot. They all make great rigs in various configurations. But just go with what you like. Make sure it's a high-quality piece of gear though, if you'll be using it for recording and live uses. It'll get the crap beat out of it.

The SWR Working Mans 15 combo is a great stage monitor amp wtih a good DI for the house.

My impressions on amps;
SWR - generally sound more high fi audiophile clean with sparkling top end and good puch on the bottom.

Trace Elliot - warmer classic "tube" bass amp sound...probably still my favorite although I curently have an SWR.

Ampeg gets good reviews by most.

Flexibility for differeing setting is nice in your cabs and I think a 2-10 with a 1-15 is ideal.

15's sound much more punchy on the low fundamentals to me. 2-10's add some upper range presence but cabinet and speaker designs vary.

For my big rig I have an SWR head and a peavey power amp and bi-amp the 1-15 and the 2-10.

For a medium sized rig I can bring just the 2-10 and run it full range.

At the smaller church gig I play now I bring a Sans Amp Bass Driver and run the XLR out to the board and the effected 1/4 out into the y insert (power amp in) of a Peavey Basic 40 and tilt it back to face me...It by-passes the Peavey electronics except for the power amp.

When I just need to learn a new song or practice I just pull out the Peavey practice amp for simplicity.

When I get back to recording I am going to have to do some serious A/B of the Sans Amp running into a Tube Pac and the Joe Meek VCQ6 as I have not tried the Joe Meek yet on bass.

The Sans Amp by itself sounded a little brittle to my ears but when I ran it through the ART Tube Pac it really sounded good.

What ever you get something that offers flexability is always nice.
I've been playing bass for years and I've got a bunch of bass amps... if you want bottom use 15's... if you want punch use 10's... if you want kickass bass, use two 10's with every 15. GK, Ampeg, and Trace Elliot make nice bass amps... but I like pre and raw power best... and I think SWR rigs sucks ass. I like biamped two 10" Fane speakers over EV 15" per stack, with lots of POWER.
Think I'm gonna buy Ashdown. Electric Blue (or something) 180W head and a 2x10. Tried it today. £240 for the head and £195 for the cab. Maybe add a separate power amp and 1x15 later, if gigging needs and finances warrant. Love the sound of my ric through the 10" though.
Hartke is another good brand I know, but I think (hey picker I'm not hijacking your thread!) I need to get closer to 200 rather than 100 watts, which also knocks out the GK 125W head. Subjectively 180 or 200 watts is 25-30% "louder" and our drummer has an extremely loud Sonor designer kit.

Most of our songs are bass led and it's critical that the singer can hear me - I'm even thinking about using my 70 Watt GK as a personal bass monitor for her.
Hey picker is that bass a"California Hot-Rod P-Bass"? Black tortous shell pick gaurd w/orange stain body? I have one
and will not play anything else. Since you are a guit plyr,
any chance you might try picking w/ fingers only?
Ampeg is the king of bass amps, any newer models have d.i. built in, I have a 69 SVT head for studio, and SVT3 pro for live, 4x10 Hartke for small shows, 8x10 SVT Classic for big shows.
Good luck even if you are going to play with a pick!
Do you guys know anything about the new Fender Rumble series? I'm looking for something I can use for home recording, and is small enough to fit in my car, but still powerful enough to play shows & rehearse... so I was thinking about the Bassman 100, or an Ampeg BA115... something in that size/price range, but then I saw the Rumble series, 100W, 15"... for about $200 less than the bassman series. Is it worth the difference, or do I need to be thinking bigger than 100W for gigging anyway?

Think I did a good thing today. Bought a second hand Warwick Profet 4 head, and an Ashdown 2x10 cab.

A/B'ed three 2x10 - also the Gallien Kruger and a Warwick. The Ashdown was significantly nicer than the GK - despite being smaller, it had a cleaner, punchier tone while the GK was relatively flabby. The Warwick was not noticeably better than the Ashdown despite being a lot more expensive.

With the amp being 400W into 4 ohms, if our gigging career becomes a success I can add a second cab later.

Anyway, that's my solution - possibly of some use to you.