Basic Studio setup poll

Which Setup is better for an intital setup for studio

  • Behringer Ultragain Pro 8 w/ M-Audio Delta 1010

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Presonus Firepod all inclusive

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • I have a suggestion

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Here is a pole for you,

I am running a 1.8GHz P4 with a gig dual channel memory exclusive DAW for those that it would make a difference.

Also.....if you have suggestion, be sure to post it. I am almost ready to buy.
Jross said:
Here is a pole for you,

I am running a 1.8GHz P4 with a gig dual channel memory exclusive DAW for those that it would make a difference.

Also.....if you have suggestion, be sure to post it. I am almost ready to buy.
Pole :confused:
i got your 'pole' right here
I humbly suggest you spend some time reading through the threads in this and the Rack forums.

Search is your friend, but just spend a day or do going through the threads. I don't think either of those two are your best solution.
Depending on how many channels of simultaneous recording and mixing you will be doing, you may need to upgrade your processor. 8-tracks at a time through something like the firepod might be too much for a 1.8, but I could be totally wrong.
Strryder said:
Using an H/P laptop, 1.8 mhz Athlon XP, 1 gb ram, with a MOTU 828mkII and a Behringer ADA-8000, I recorded 12 tracks at once for two 50 minute sets without any problems, using the stock internal HD.


Oh yeah, April, something.
Of the two choices, i would certainly say presonus. This way you can keep both the Behringer and the M-Audio out of your signal chain. If you can afford it, look into the nicer Motu or RME stuff.
fraserhutch said:
I humbly suggest you spend some time reading through the threads in this and the Rack forums.

Search is your friend, but just spend a day or do going through the threads. I don't think either of those two are your best solution.

Then what do you suggest? I have looked through the forums and have found that the 1010 is a widely used interface. As for preamps.....alot use mixers. I am not willing to spend that much for a mixer especially when I already have one for live applications and that does not interface with computer. I just want a solid preamp to get some clean tracks.

Thank you Strryder,
That is one thing I was thinking about. You have the A/D conversion happening pre-computer.

What about EMU card with Ultragain PRO-8 via ADAT.....would that be better
than the 1010??

I am looking for best bang for the buck!!
But am willing to spend the buck!! Just be relative. Quality vs. Price