Basic(I hope) question from a New Jack


New member
Hey all, I play in a couple bands, and have recently started getting into home recording. I'm doing it on a pretty primitive scale at the moment(12 channel mixer, 8 channel interface firewire into MacBook using Garage Band)

My plan is to track in Garage Band, and then export to Logic to mix and master. I'm sure there's better ways of doing it, but this so far has proved to be the easiest.

When I try to open the Garage Band track in Logic, I get this message: "Sorry, can't load this song because it is created by a newer Logic Express version. Please update Logic"

The MacBook I have has Garage Band '11 and Logic Pro 9. What am I missing here?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for any help you're able to give me.
Logic pro and logic express can co-exist right?
Perhaps you have pro v9 and an older version of express?

Why not just track in logic to start with?
Just export the wave files from one program and import the waves files into the other program.