Based On A True Story


New member
So I redid this song and am excited about it. I recorded this in my dorm room so don't be too brutal :). I am kind of wondering what to do with the soft parts because I think I could have some more subtle stuff going on like some cool sounds or something. I wrote and record everything my self.


So I redid this song and am excited about it. I recorded this in my dorm room so don't be too brutal :). I am kind of wondering what to do with the soft parts because I think I could have some more subtle stuff going on like some cool sounds or something. I wrote and record everything my self.



This is actually pretty cool, good job.

I really like that "descending riff" guitar part at the beginning of the song, but during that part, I'd ditch the 4-on-the-floor drums and use a back beat instead.

I also thought that short section about 1/3 of the way through the song where the guitar sounds muffled and distant was an awesome effect--hang on to that. The other quiet sections are very cool for mood and dynamics as well. I'd say, don't bother adding anything else to those parts, they sound great as-is.

Without lyrics, for some reason, I'm almost picturing this song as a soundtrack on a video game. I hope you don't find that insulting, it's just that I can picture myself flying a spaceship around blowing stuff up. :D
Thanks Matt, I appreciate it.

I can understand the drum change, the repetitive beat might get make the listener to complacent.

And I can see the video game thing with the evolving guitars in the beginning haha.

Thanks again!
