Base for a beat - complete newb. Feedback please!

You did that in 30 - 45 mins on your first beat and no offense homie but it shows. I could give you a LOT of pointers to help you get alot farther in Reason (and possibly a LOT faster than it takes people usually) since it does have a HUGE learning curve but once you get past it, you'll find it's an AMAZING piece of software.
Alright, how do you think I should go about learning how to use Reason at its fullest potential? What are some pointers?
Tip #1: Make your sounds fatter and have more presence with a little EQing, reverb, compression, and delay.

Tip #2: If you experiment and find sounds that would work on the same melody, layer them and mix them (really good if one sound has higher treble or mid and another has bass)

Tip #3: Invest in a solid set of soundfonts and refills. You can find a LOT of them for free if you look in the right places. I'm making a beat with only the Reason factory refills just to show it can be done but I really don't EVER use stock sounds.

Tip #4: Listen to a LOT of the types of beats you like and study them. Use it as a starting point and try to add your own stuff into it.
When I make this beat off just Reason's stock refills, I'll see about posting the file. It could probably help some people just getting started on how to work more with Reason.
Thank you very much! Should i do #1 to all my sounds? And sorry, like i said, im a complete newb, what are soundfonts and refills?
I wouldn't say do them to all your sounds....but it'll take some time for your ears to get adjusted to making beats. If you're mixing on regular speakers, they will confuse the hell out of you because speakers color up sound all the time.

soundfont = a sound file that's used in a lot of different programs and plugins but in Reason it's mainly used in NN-XT

refill = aound file only used in Reason. In which instrument depends on what's inside of the refill.
Anytime. Respect to cats who can take criticism without automatically assuming they're being hated on or dissed.
It´s not bad if youre totally new at it, not at all. But I would "seperate" the percussion a bit more since they seem to be "on each other". Sounds weird I know, but make each percussion stand on it´s own, make them pop. And think of switching up the synth, maybe raising it an octave in certain parts and maybe extending a note every 8th or 16th bar.

Keep it up.
Hey bro. I personally dont like it as a radio song(which is what I'm all about)BUT when a little proper mixing to it I can for sure here this track on like a tv show in between segments. This would be good for something like Top model or any similar show like that. Which aint a bad thing, you can make some descent money if you get those credits built up. And just in case you were wondering what I meant by mixing, just got to this site Key Music factory and check out the sound quality of those records. See how its not to muffled and how it has a spacial depth. If you need any help in the future just holla at me.