Band Names


New member
I have a band and its name has been changing quite frequently. We came up with a name we all liked,Hi-Z, but then last night my drummers mother said it sounded too drug related while we were making our cd cover. We are now pretty much out of band names. Our music is alternative/rock. Thanks!
What's wrong with Hi-Z. You don't use a name because it's too drug related? Man you are rock band, not a balletensemble!

But serious, if ou really want to change names, don't go searching too far. Go for something that's easy to remeber, but not too mainstream.

I always wanted a band with the name Brett And the Bickyburgers:D Or maybe Brett and the Broke Bitches or something like that.
HI-Z sounds like a new sports drink. he, he, he. Let's listen to HI-Z and do some drugs. Invite your drummer's mom too. I like the name HI-Z. It's cool.
How many bands has your drummer's mother had a hand in naming? For that matter, how many bands has this woman played in at all? The fact that she didn't like it may tell you that you're on to something...Name your band whatever you (the band) want to call yourselves. When your music is good enough, no one will care what you are called-it will be used as an identifier only.
Yeah man thats rock and roll!!!! Doing what ur drummers mum says!
Just tell her when u are famous u will be on drugz! (If ur not already now) lol! he he he he!
Dont listen to her! Whats ur band got to do with her any way??
That name sounds cool man! :P
Dont rock the boat. If you piss off drummy's mommy, she won't drive you to the school dance anymore.
Man, I think Hi-Z is great! It's very optimistic and energetic. I just love it. Note: I've never named a successful band, though.

Keep it. Hi-Z rules.

Keep the name! It doesn't matter what your band name is, a very popular punkrock band here in the Netherlands is called the "Heideroosjes" (a name of a cute little flower)... It's more like a name for a kids-choir but it seems to work for them. As long as your name is short and catchy people will recognize it.

Suggestion for your first album name: Lo-Key

Dirk Demon
What is so drugrelated about Hi-Z?? I associate it with boring electronics classes and endless hours of hooking up gear before you can finally start your gig/recording...
It's a good name. I wish I'd thought of it.

Of course, in the UK it would be Hi-Zed, which doesn't sound quite so good.