Band names you proposed that got shot down?

Apples, oranges, and lead balloons aside, next to The Beatles, Led Zeppelin was the greatest rock band of all time. Full stop. Nobody else even comes close.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
In the studio? Maybe I’d be inclined to agree with you.
Live? No fucking way. Jimmy was quite sloppy. But as much as it’s a full stop for your vote, others may not agree.
I guess it come down to taste and preferences.

Best Rock and Roll band of that era? The Who. Aggressive, loud, borderline violent, yet almost orchestral.

But them being the best is subjective too.
Talk to me tomorrow and I might give you a different band.

But..... I thought the thread was about band names we mere mortal unknowns came up with that were rejected.

Big bands with stupid names are irrelevant. Once they’re big, no one cares, but everyone knows the name.
In the studio? Maybe I’d be inclined to agree with you.
Live? No fucking way. Jimmy was quite sloppy. But as much as it’s a full stop for your vote, others may not agree.
I guess it come down to taste and preferences.

Best Rock and Roll band of that era? The Who. Aggressive, loud, borderline violent, yet almost orchestral.

But them being the best is subjective too.
Talk to me tomorrow and I might give you a different band.

But..... I thought the thread was about band names we mere mortal unknowns came up with that were rejected.

Big bands with stupid names are irrelevant. Once they’re big, no one cares, but everyone knows the name.

Yeah, I know. Thread drift and I felt compelled to add my 2 cents, or less. Ymmv, or anyone's for that matter. Subjective.

Apologies for carrying on....yeah, Page could be sloppy. But in the context of musically a 3 piece? Yeah, he could stick to banging out chords like pedo Pete(sorry, yes that was a shot). But in a way I see Page's sloppiness as an asset at times.

I was up getting some of my equipment from my brother's house the other day. My nephew was still up, in the music room, had been up all night and part of the next day. Writing, recording. Man, he is writing and playing some really good stuff. Listening to some of what he had recorded, I commented on the lyrics. Good stuff. But you know what, I couldn't understand some of what he was saying/singing. He wasn't enunciating as he has at times in the past, which was good! Sloppy? The sung lyrics were becoming more musical. Sure, it's about the words, but moreso about the music.

For me growing up, it was a lot of The Beatles, and Zeppelin. Bonham, John Paul Jones, and Page?...epic shit. It reminds me a bit of a lyric by Graham Nash...
"Fighting dragons and crossing swords,,
with the people against the hordes, who came to conquer"
, or as I believe Paul McCartney put it, "It's like a relic from a different age". Zep set a high bar, to include Plant. The Who? Meh, I don't know. I could probably list them in the I never listened thread. Of course I've heard some of their stuff, but for me they absolutely not in the same league as Zeppelin.

Sorry for the long post and drift.
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One of the bands I was in back in the mid 80s, yeah, we were quite rowdy and both quite popular & unpopular with the ladies at the same time. Lead singer was Lewis. I overheard one former round robin participant female proclaim as we entered a room one night, "well well, here comes Do it Lewis and the Bad News". In a way I actually kind of liked the sound of it, but we stuck with our current band name.
Apples, oranges, and lead balloons aside, next to The Beatles, Led Zeppelin was the greatest rock band of all time. Full stop. Nobody else even comes close.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Unless it's just a stupid rude irrelevant abrupt left turn (or u-turn) - I couldn't be any more OK with thread drift. Nature of the beast.

But yeah... I agree about LZ. Except that I put them above the Beatles - my personal opinion and taste.

That is to say... if I have to be stuck on the moon with one band's complete catalogue - it'd be LZ and there's no contest for me. Greatest rock band ever.

It's an eye opener to consider what they did in just four years (69-73) - 5 incredible albums - LZ thru HotH. Absolutely remarkable creative output. And did that while touring most of the time. Just wow.
Best Rock and Roll band of that era? The Who. Aggressive, loud, borderline violent, yet almost orchestral.

But them being the best is subjective too.
Talk to me tomorrow and I might give you a different band.
Ok, it’s tomorrow.

Band of Gypsies. Best rock band ever. Jimi finally put together a band in his league.

Can only imagine what they might have done had he not met an untimely death.
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In the early 80's I got lots of airplay in a band called Eggie Rumdrum and the Offbeats - which got played on UK radio by the man Alan Partridge was styled on. We created the name, produced bizarre music and sent it to him anonymously from all over the country so he didn't know where the band was based. one or two songs a month. Kept it going for two years until somebody at the BBC told him it was a p**stake.
Ok, it’s tomorrow.

Band of Gypsies. Best rock band ever. Jimi finally put together a band in his league.

Can only imagine what they might have done had he not met an untimely death.


Agreed, so tight, his best playing RFR

Tight as a nats chuff and raised Jimi's playing to another level. Kudos to you
Ok, it’s tomorrow.

Band of Gypsies. Best rock band ever. Jimi finally put together a band in his league.

Can only imagine what they might have done had he not met an untimely death.
Eddie Van Halen always said his influence was Eric. Nah... he took the influence of Jimi and moved the bar up.
Eddie Van Halen always said his influence was Eric. Nah... he took the influence of Jimi and moved the bar up.
My simple point is that there were many faster and more technical players, even at the time, and many faster and more technically advanced players than Edward in the 70's. But they both took creativity to another level. Both innovating different noises and techniques that nobody had tried before. It was their innovation rather than their technical skills that made them so great. Edward was a classically trained pianist that papa Jan wanted and Ed won competitions from memory without learning to read music. He hated piano and rebelled and played punk rock guitar and was as wierd as he could be. Some of his stuff I still wish I could do. Malmstein and Vai and Satch are brilliant, but still never heard them come up with anything like this...

Technical proficiency and artistic wizardry are two totally separate things.

Which camp do you think Satch, Vai, and Malmsteen fit into?
I like them all, prefer Vai with Zappa and his first solo album than Passion and Warfare and prefer Surfing With The Alien to the later work. But that is personal preference.
Technical proficiency and artistic wizardry are two totally separate things.

Which camp do you think Satch, Vai, and Malmsteen fit into?
Malmstein has incredible co ordination picking technique, respect and admiration of his ability. I am working with a metronome now trying to improve my lazy hand co ordination and stunted right hand picking. Relied too much on left hand widdly legato all these years. And lazy right hand tapping
Malmstein has incredible co ordination picking technique, respect and admiration of his ability. I am working with a metronome now trying to improve my lazy hand co ordination and stunted right hand picking. Relied too much on left hand widdly legato all these years. And lazy right hand tapping
Trying to co ordinate right hand picking with the greater speed I have with the left hand. Trying to strenthen the left pinky by doing hammer ons with the 3rd finger. It is all stuff I should have worked on years ago. I have a finger trainer, but that is dangerous if you over do it. Steve Morse has to wear a wrist support through having RSI now.
Apples, oranges, and lead balloons aside, next to The Beatles, Led Zeppelin was the greatest rock band of all time. Full stop. Nobody else even comes close.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
Zepplin was an awesome band and I got to see em live ...several other great bands of the era The Beatles for sure were the cream of the crop. Zepplin definitely up there with a few others but not #2 in my rating . Then again it would be hard for me with gun to head to say any of the greats of the era were THE #2 best rock band....Jimi, Pink Floyd, Alice Cooper, The Who, The Stones, Cream. Heck I'm sure I'm leaving several other greats out. But in the end, rating bands in order of greatness is a bit silly because it is subjective of the one making the ratings perspective and their personal preferences and world view. But Zep was an incredibly amazing rock band that put out a shit ton of killer songs.
Zepplin was an awesome band and I got to see em live ...several other great bands of the era The Beatles for sure were the cream of the crop. Zepplin definitely up there with a few others but not #2 in my rating . Then again it would be hard for me with gun to head to say any of the greats of the era were THE #2 best rock band....Jimi, Pink Floyd, Alice Cooper, The Who, The Stones, Cream. Heck I'm sure I'm leaving several other greats out. But in the end, rating bands in order of greatness is a bit silly because it is subjective of the one making the ratings perspective and their personal preferences and world view. But Zep was an incredibly amazing rock band that put out a shit ton of killer songs.
I never got to see Zeppelin. I was 12 in '75. I think they kind of going down towards the end, In Through The Out Door didn't do much for me. I think Page's drug habits were taking a toll....and that damn B bender.

Older guys in the hood went to see them at the closest venue to our locale, I heard a lot about it. Opened with The Song Remains the Same. Zeppelin ended festival seating there, assigned seating after that. From what I also hear soon after CSN played there and some knuckle head shouted out "Rock-n-Roll!" during Guinevere. David Crosby stopped the song and said something like, "Hey asshole, Led Zeppelin was here last week, you should have been to that show." LoL@ thinned skinned David Crosby.

Apples and oranges, I don't really consider The Beatles and Zeppelin in the same category, though both diverse. Beatles more a pop band. Those both the most influential in my life, the early days as a musician. Both, electric, they got 'em. Acoustic, same. Maybe not to the extreme, less so, Hendrix was a bit like Stevie Ray Vaughan, 15 minutes in you pretty much heard everything Stevie had to offer. Both great players, Stevie and Hendrix, but their catalog is fairly limited as far as a diversity offering goes.

I've ended my not as long a post as it could be quota.
Ya gotta be from New Jersey to get this....but....once I wanted to name our band:

Joe Jersey And The Parkways

As I said....if you're not from Jersey.....don't think about it. Yo.
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