Balance On Live Recording


New member
Hello, all!

I have a decent sounding stereo recording from a mixing board on which the vocals and sax are MUCH louder than the other instruments. Is there a technique that I can use which can bring up the other instruments and lower the vocals/sax?

I have Sonar with multi-band and single compressors, EQ, etc.

Thanks in advance!

I have a decent sounding stereo recording from a mixing board on which the vocals and sax are MUCH louder than the other instruments. Is there a technique that I can use which can bring up the other instruments and lower the vocals/sax?

It would depend on the degree of how much louder the voc/sax is.

I'm sure there will be some trade off in sound to correct the problem, but the good thing is that it's the lead or featured instruments.

Using dynamic eq or compressor in a mid side environment might be the best solution.

Can you post a sample?
I use a a combination of Paragraphic EQ & linear multi-band compressor for those situations. Using the Paragraphic EQ, try to use the hi-pass type band setting so you can filter out the part of the low end where the saxophone sounds heavy. The linear multi-band compressor can help you tame down the saxophone by compressing only a particular frequency range where the saxophone is sticking out.