Bah, the click is back! [MR-8]


New member
Hey guys,

Been a while since I posted on here. Been busy with life and some more lessons. I recorded a slow blues tune with my dobro and used the click track for timing. I went back and turned the click track off and (D'Oh!) the click is still there.

I think the trick (least in the old days) was run your click track on an empty track and then delete that track. *shrug*

Other than that, I'll post a ling to the song when I'm done. *NOTE* This is my first attempt at slide guitar so be gentlt. ;)

it took me a while figure it out too. hit menu , hit system , press the down button until you get to the second page. there should be a click level option. adjust it using right or left. hope this helps you.
the thing about the mr-8 is it doesn't (at least i dont think it does) put the click on a track. i have had it bleed thru also if the click track is very loud.
Song link included featuring the click track ;)

Yep, I checked that. Made sure the click level was set to off. That's really the only gripe I have about the MR-8. Other than that the ease of use and functionality is amazing.

I placed the song "Down N' Blue" on my website. There is mainly a bunch of variety on there right now. I'm not pro (nor claim to be). I just enjoy playing and hope you enjoy what I have there. Everything on here was done with the MR-8.
