Backing tracks in Cubase AI5


New member
Total noob here.

I WAS using Mixcraft trial which works fantastically, but my trial ran out so I have started using Cubase AI5, that came with my Yamaha Audiogram 3 interface.

I had no problem getting a generic backing track set up with Mixcraft.

I cannot see to do the same with Cubase.
If I open up a template for say, a blues rock project, I see instrument tracks, but nothing is actually there.
I don't know where to look.
Does cubase even provide this stuff?

Is Cubase a good software for a noob to learn on?
I am only using it, because it came with the Yamaha.
LOVED Mixcraft, but it's $160 to buy.

I just want to do ultra simple stuff, like lay down a virtual drum and bass track, and play gtr over it.
maybe you should check out reaper as a daw.
lots of fans here and it's way cheaper than 160$
good luck mate