Background Vocals


New member
I've got an interesting question. As far as vocals are concerned, I know there are hundreds of ways to process a vocal track and in alot of R&B and hip-hop songs, I hear background vocals that have to be using some type of harmonizer. I mean the vocals sound good but also it sounds very processed (if you know what I mean). I've heard that alot of engineers use a product called Eventide H3000 to acheive this effect. Is this true? In any vocal track the vocalist is going to have to sound pretty good so I figure engineers probably have the singer sing a three part harmony and use something like the H3000 to make it fatter and add more harmonies. I probably never will own this type of equipment but i've always wanted to know. If you are fimiliar with Teddy Riley, it sounds like he might be using the vocoder function of this product when he is creating his background vocals.

It's a commen thing.
Once it was done by changing the speed of the multitrack.
Today people use aharmonizer or a DAW by altering the pitch.
With this effect you can get a airy ringing sound that you cant get with doubling.
magic fairy dust

The sainted Eventide Harmonizer used to be a standard fixture in studios to process vocals by adding in extra high frequency content to produce a top end sheen or sparkle.A couple of effective and interesting techniques to get a cool vocal sound include recording at telephone resolution of about 7 or 8K to get a distant "small" sound like in "Aqualung" by Tull (although in those days the technique was way different.I think they distant-miked a small amp at the end of a long hall).Try also a VERY slow phase shift for a moody,watery feel.A lot of guys will double the lead vocal and offset it 10 ms or so as a flange but sum to mono and check for phase problems if you try this.
I have always used a H3000 to add pitch change to H/vox. Set one side to +008 and the other to -008 cents. When added to H'vox it fattens it. To get that smooth h/vox sound make sure that it is totally "intune" and "intime"

Eventide H3000/3500

Does anyone know where I can get a good deal on one of these units? Also, what's the difference in the H3000 and the H3500 and does this unit offer real time pitch correction?
YO Silky One of Threads:

I have done the same effect with my Ensonique DP=4 processor; the patches are called: SWEET HARMONY AND NASTY HARMONY; nasty sounds nasty, like minor vibes; sweet, sounds sweet, major triads; probably not as sophisticated as the gear you mention; however, it does work.

I've just retired my DP-4 to my basement; it is an interesting box; has many, many reverb patches; however, it's a double sized box; I've gone to the Lexicon 100 and an Alesis Midiverb 3, the Alesis being the older of the two.

Lexicon, very good for the money -- quiet. Rich.

So, take your money and let it take you for want your ears like.

Green Hornet