Background noise


New member
Hey guys..
Hope your all doing ok

I have a simple question..

Does a decent soundcard = unwanted background noise reduction?

I`m still kinda new to this but I`ve heard some stuff about internal fans etc.. making noise

Any help would be great

Thanks in advance & keep up the good work
good quetsion - i'd also like to know

i have mass backround noise now - with my shit soundblaster awe 16 (not worthy at all..probably worth 5 bucks..ha).

i'm about to buy a delta 44...big step up i assume?
The internal 'background noise' of the card, as in the noise the soundcard creates just by being 'on' will be lower. Background noise from outside elements, traffic, wind, earthquakes etc. will remain the same. The only treatment for that is to acoustically isolate the outside enviroment, depending on what it is your recording.

As for internal fans making noise, they were most likely meaning, the noise of the fans in the computer were leaking into the microphones, which is a big problem for quiet sound sources like acoustic guitars, vocals etc.

So, decent soundcard = less sound card generated noise, provided the real world enviroment(that background noise, cars people, traffic) isn't making it a null point. Your music isn't being drowned out by the self generated noise of the card. Dynamics fall into this as well.

You don't want to switch from some super loud part to a super quiet part in a song and hear 'hiss' or 'buzzz' generated from your soundcard.
also If I have understood u correctly..
I could record a synth or elecric guitar (using a decent soundcard)
and the internal fan wouldn`t be heard (because no microphone is being used) and so "hiss" would be eliminated... hence a nice audio quality.
Have i got this right?

Thanks again
That's correct. Recording direct will eliminate any sounds created by your computer and background noises in your recording enviroment. With a decent soundcard and a decent keyboard and/or electric guitar, (i.e., they aren't the source of noise), it should be free of background hiss/noise etc.
in my case, i think a lot of it is the soundcard.

i've recorded to tapes/etc. - and the backround noise doesn't seem as bad at all - so hopfully it is at