Back in the groove


New member
Hi All. Found this forum via the great non-tax paying google and it looks great.

I am currently getting into song writing and playing guitar/keyboard. I have been a drummer for about 30 years and done some PA and studio work on both sides of the desk.

I have bought a few decent low cost mics, a Zoom r24, after being impressed by the R8 and am setting up a desktop home studio of sorts. I am using Live on my main desktop but I just installed Reaper after reading so many good comments about on this forum and think I'll be using that a lot as it just feels great to use, might be love at first sight. I have a Mackie 1604 VLZ pro I plan to plug into the R24 making use of the really lovely sounding mic pre amps and I am old school.. I like twiddling the knobs :)

Looking forward to posting some dumb and interesting questions on here at first and then hoping to be able to offer some (nearly) intelligent comments on other threads once I have actually done some recordings.

Welcome to the forum! Enjoy the wide world of recording --- lots of frustration at times, but a whole lot of fun as well. :)