Avlex AVS77

Avlex makes Superlux


Avlex also makes Superlux mirophones. My Superlux LDC has saved my butt twice now giving me good recordings when everthing else went to crap. So I say, "Yay Superlux."

How much is the Avlex anyway?


Hairy Larry
...interesting, but the Avlex AV-S77 actually sells for about the same price as the Shure SM7B :eek: ...therefore, as good a value as some of the less expensive Avlex/Superlux mics can be, this particular model is not...
...it actually looks as though they simply inverted the capsule on their (OEM style) LDC to be front-address to simulate the SM7's form and function...considering that I've seen Superlux LDC mics go for prices similar to Nady or Behringer, I'm not sure this one qualifies a $300-400. street pricepoint...
...nothing beats the SM7 for great "bang-for-the-buck" value (IMHO)... ;)