Avalon 737 & Avalon 2022


New member
Hi guys I'm new at this forum, So the thing is I am looking for some preamps and I´ve found the Avalon 737 reviews and some videos telling it respond good talking about vocals and the Avalon 2022 it is also good for guitar and vocals. So if you guys have some time I would like to see some explanation about this two fellas and how do they work and differences. Greetings, have a nice one :)
The M5 is the one from Avalon if you're going that way (although I can't remember if the 2022 is just a pair of M5's).
I don't know what you are recording or whom but the Avalon 737sp might able to do many things for you other than just vocals.
What microphone(s) are your using? What is your computer interface? WHat monitors are you using?
I like the 737 but for that money there are a lot other channels you can get that will get you a great sound. I'm not bashing the avalon 737 because I love it. Just saying make sure its what you really want before spending $2250 on a channel strip. While I love the sound of the avalon 737 what I don't like is its heavy as h3ll and takes 30 mins to warm up before you can use it.
Better preamps for less money. Rappers seem to think the name has cache, so if you're looking to impress rapper clients, it might be a good buy.
The 737 and the AD2022 are 2 different animals. The 737 is a tube-based, single channel channel strip- a mic preamp and active DI box with EQ and compression. The AD2022 is a 2 channel, class A solid state mic preamp and active DI box with no EQ or compression. Regarding the 737, I mostly agree with the above posters. It's a perfectly good channel strip, and like Neumann mics, it has a pedigree and name recognition. Is a Rolls-Royce the best car? Not necessarily, but it *is* a Rolls-Royce. If I wanted a channel strip at the high end, for one channel, I'd consider the Pendulum Audio quartet, and for less money and 2 channels, I'd consider the Langevin Dual Vocal Combo. My feelings about the AD2022, which I own and use, are quite different. I have to disagree a little with Supercreep there. The AD2022 is one of the cleanest, most noise free, and honest 2 channel pres that exists, and it is among the best DI boxes on the planet. And to Massive master, the AD2022 is *very close* to 2 M5's, with similar power circuitry, except that the M5 has a B&K mic input the AD2022 doesn't have, and the M5 lacks the AD2022's variable impedance inputs and its multi-stage high-pass filters. If you are looking for a straightforward 2 channel clean pre that isn't trying to do anything else, the AD2022 is a *very* good one. My only complaints with the AD2022- It has balanced and unbalanced XLR outs, but no 1/4", and it has no inserts. A couple of insert points would be very useful. They'll have to pry mine from my cold, dead, hand.-Richie