Avalon 2022/ RNC


New member
I have the Avalon 2022 and I just ordered the RNC.
After ordering the RNC I read someone's statement on this site that the 2 units were a pain to hook up together. Then I read that the RNC is unbalanced. Hmmm. I'll assume that's where the problem lies.

The 2022 is the only preamp I own.
Cancel the RNC order or send them back when they come?
I'm not sure which way to go here. Still have much to learn.
As always, all advice is welcome.
Thanks to all.
Because the 2022 has no inserts, you can't use TRS cables to send and receive. You have to take the signal from the unbalanced XLR outs of the Avalon to the RNC by XLR to 1/4"TS cables, then the unbalanced signal from the RNC by 1/4" TS to TS cables. Unbalancing the signal isn't a big deal, as the Avalon produces very little self noise, and the runs of cable are short. The problem is actually getting your hands on good XLR to TS cables, unless you're good with a soldering iron. If the Avalon had unbalanced TS outs, life would be simple. Fortunately, I rarely use compression while tracking.-Richie
Thanks, Richie.

I never soldered. Does anyone make the correct cables?

If not, are the RNC's worth holding onto?
Everybody here seems to make quite a fuss about them.
Are they really that slick?
Is the RNC worth it? Yes. Is it that slick? Yes. Does anybody have those cables? Yes. It's good ones that are hard to find. HOSA makes some real dandies that suck ass. Monster lists them, but I think they build a pair every 11 years or so. And no, the RNC won't accept TRS plugs, and no, you can't just pull them half way out, unless you're looking for a real *hum* job.-Richie
Thanks for all that info and input. You've been really helpful.
Yes, please let me know about those cables.

Richard Monroe said:
Is the RNC worth it? Yes. Is it that slick? Yes. Does anybody have those cables? Yes. It's good ones that are hard to find. HOSA makes some real dandies that suck ass. Monster lists them, but I think they build a pair every 11 years or so. And no, the RNC won't accept TRS plugs, and no, you can't just pull them half way out, unless you're looking for a real *hum* job.-Richie

I have mine connected with TRS cables from the RNP with tRS to my card input, no problems here..
Richard Monroe said:
Interesting, BStage. The RNC manual emphatically states you can't do that.

Hmm, where does it say that?
Actually, while I use my RNC all
the time, I use the FMR website
rather than trying to remember
where the dinky instruction sheet is.

It does say that it is unbalanced, and uses
TRS only in the cool one-wire mode
for inserts.

With a lot of mass market "pro audio" gear,
they just put a resister between the
T and R connections, so using a TRS cable
does nothing evil.

In general, you can use TRS cabling anywhere you
would use a TS, you just don't get
the balance part of the deal. It is
the other direction that (using TS instead of
TRS) that can cause problems.

For modest cable lengths, balanced cable
is often overkill.
So, Rich, after reading Fishtops' post did you still get those cables?

I confess I'm confused now. Pardon my newbie-ness.
Actually, Wrangler, I think I'm just going to buy cable and neutrik connectors and get a soldering lesson from an associate of mine who is pretty good.-Richie