Avalon 2022 OR Great River MP-2NV

I own an AD2022 and I have to say, it's taken my tracks to a new level. It is also a *great* bass DI box. Everything I've heard about the Great River is good, but it's all second-hand. The Avalon is everything it's cracked up tp be.-Richie
The 2022 is a fucking great pre, I`ve used it on a couple of sessions and loved it!!

And I can tell you the MP-2NV is also a amazing pre.....

You know, when you get into comparisons at that level, it becomes almost meaningless. Catherine Zeta Jones or Reese Witherspoon? Ferrari or Porsche? Driving an Avalon is like driving a Rolls Royce. They might say it cost too much, they might say they liked the Bentley better, but they won't ask you why you didn't buy a luxury car. And when the engineering consultant comes in, and you tell him the gold channel is a Kiwi into an Avalon, he says, "That will be just fine."-Richie
I have never used the Avalon's but my question is how does the pre in the VT737 compared with the 2022 who does it stand up
and how good is the comp in the VT737
Fletcher may have an opinion on that. Sad to say, I have no experience with Avalon tube amps. As a crude guess, I bet they do what tube amps do, and AD2022 does what solid state amps with transformers do. Are you trying to make something sound the way it sounds, or better than it sounds? I'd like both, but if I only get one to start, my uses dictate clean. That doesn't mean an Avalon tube amp isn't on the long term list, along with a hell of a lot of others -Great River and Pendulum come to mind.
My next step is to trade in my old Joemeek twinQ with the digital card for a shiny new twinQ, with better EQ. That's a colored sound I can live with for a grand, and the Avalon sees most duty on vox and acoustic instruments. The twinQ is great on percussion, about 30% of vocals, and cabs. I will be very interested to see what the real-world effect is of the "metal" switch on the new twinQ, which apparently takes the transformer in and out of the signal chain. Time will tell whether that is a revolutionary idea or a trendy gimmick.-Richie
Thanks for the reply.
All I have right now is DBX 586 Dual ch tube pre, its its not the small single ch rack space unit but the two space unit.
they were going for about $600 when I bought mine a few years ago
I am ready to step up to something much better and I thought maybe getting something with a really good comp also would be the way to go. the only comps i have right now are the Bellari rp282 and Behringer tube composer / DBX 266xl and the comps in my DM24 consol.
one more thing.
I am thinking about getting eather a Drawmer 1960 or a
Avalon VT 737 there both Comp and Pre or would my better
choice be getting a Distresser and the greatriver??
Choices, It would be nice to just be able to test them on my gear
all Digital, Dm24 to Da78 and two Da38s
Originally posted by chessrock quote:
Originally posted by Richard Monroe
Catherine Zeta Jones or Reese Witherspoon?
Definitely Reese.

Oh Chess, you gotta be kidding. Zeta Jones all the way!