available drum space


New member
I have quite a small space for my drums about 8ft by 8ft and a high ceiling.
It is not an isolated space though - the control room and vocal booth are built in the same room leaving this space. The space sound alright but I am thinkin about building a booth and enclosing the space, maybe with a removable roof.

Any ideas or advice?
You would be alot better off building something to isolate your guitar cabs or vocs or whatever else. Drums need alot of space to breathe IMHO. I can't imagine trying to setup drum overheads in a room with less than 8 ft of headroom. I suppose if you have enough sq ft, and you don't go any lower on the ceiling, a drum booth might be worth your time. Ok I just completely read that wrong, 8ft by 8ft with a high ceiling. I wouldn't go any smaller as that is already small as hell. Maybe look into building some Gobos for isolation?
Hey...thanks. There is no live area - that is it. There is a soundproofed booth attached to the control room for vocals/tracking etc so everything is multitracked.
This room is attached to a kind of community centre so my idea is to soundproof the drums but i'm thinking the disadvantages of enclosing the drums aren't worth it.

Thanks again