aux bus - specific question


New member
I know aux busses have been covered extensively here but I have a specific question that I couldn't find an answer to in the forum search.

I'm using cakewalk HS and following some good advice I've read here, using aux busses to cut down the number of instances of CPU heavy plugins. What I don't understand is......

......When monitoring the mix I hear the wet signal from the aux bus and the dry signal sent from the channels to the bus. Having them both play at the same time is confusing.

Is there a way to mute a selected Channel's dry signal so I can monitor the Mix with only the wet signal from that channel going through the aux bus?

The only way I found of doing this is creating another Main Out and routing the channels to this new Main Out bus and muting it. The "unmuted" main bus outputs the aux bus wet signals I want to monitor.

This works but is there another way? Where do the aux bus returns, return to? In cakewalk I imagine its to the aux bus selected OUT. I'm i mistaken?

Sorry for the confused wording but I'm pretty confused myself :confused:
Everything is working as it should. You need to turn the plugin's mix control to 100% wet. You set the mix between wet and dry with the aux send control. The more you send, the more wet sound you hear.
The aux send is only good for reverb, delay, chorus, and those type of effects. Not compression, EQ, or anything that you don't want a mix of wet and dry.
If you want to monitor ONLY the aux buss, then you need to have the channels that are sending signal to it in prefade mode, and then turn the channel faders down. this will allow you to hear only the wet signal.
Thanks for replying. I'm relieved I've got mixer theory 101 correct. I was afraid no one would understand what the hell I was saying or asking.

xstatic, you were right. The pre/post button was the problem, I pressed it to pre, lowered the fader and got what I was looking for.

Much appreciated guys :)