automation in CWHS9


New member
Hello again. Well, recording's going good but when I get to mixing my 8 tracks (all audio) it's a nightmare for me. My automation seems screwed up. Faders sometimes move on their own even with no automation or snapshot ever even set. Example. New song : I play back the first 3 tracks I make (drum, bass,acoust gtr). Well... The fader on track 3 acts abnormal and will move up and down on it's own! Now, I have not at this point set ANY automation buttons, snapshot, update or anything so there seems to be no reason for this erratic fader behavior. As far as I'm concerned , since no automation or snapshot or update buttons have been clicked on, the faders should stay put. But this is not the case. Tech. Support sent me 2 kinds of .CAL files (select and all track wipe) but I get an error msg when I try it and Tech. don't seem to help me past this. I'm so frustrated that I'm about to buy a hardware mixer except I only have 4 outs in my D44 suondcard. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Except for this, My cakewalk gives me an incredible CDR sound.
I have the same Problem. When I stop the song in the middle of it I must not touch any faders. If I do, the faders move automaticaly to the new position when I play it back. I must then go erase the commands in the events list.
If someone as a clue please post.
It is very anoying.
Thx Wisepat, However, I wish some people who have been down this rocky road and solved these automation glitches would share their knowledge with us. This would be very, very helpful! The bottom line is: Unless you have a solid final mix, you just can't finish the project! Right?