Automation in Cubase

Richie Basic

New member
Hey there. I'm kind of new tocubase VST (not 24) and I was wondering if there is a way i can automate the mixing? Can anyone just get me on the right path? Thanks.
Not to sound like an asshole, but did you happen to read the manual? You'd be surprised how much better you can use your gear when you take the time to read the manual. Check it out! And yes, you can automate...check out page 16-244.
Dude, I read the book that came with the cubase software and found it to be a pretty crappy learning aid. It got me up and running, but really doesn't go into the details of all of the functions. so I hit the electronic documentation on the cubase cd and that was like 8 million pages long and I guess I don't know the terminology well enough to find what I'm looking for. By the way, you could read the Kama Sutra inside ond out and still be lousy in bed, right?...not that I am. JK. by the way, I'm at work and i don't have cubase with me, is 16-144 a page on the electronic document, or were you just trying to be like, "go read the whole thing again"?
It's Chapter 16, page 244 in the book. I can understand your frustration, and like I said I didn't mean to sound like an asshole. To make it even easier, hit the "write" button on the left side, play through the tune doing your moves. Then hit "read" and it should play back your moves.
Thanks CMiller. That will be a major help. Off the subject, do you happen to know of any good, cheap plug-ins. Specifically, I'm looking for a compressor, but most downloadable stuff I've tried causes my computer to not run smoothly or the plug-ins just don't work well. Do i really have to drop $400 on plug-in software?...or is there cheaper software out there that Sam Ash doesn't want me to know about? Thanks!
There's plenty of free and cheap plugins out there floating around in cyberspace. I know what you mean though, I haven't found anything that I thought was great. One company that I'm curious about is Dave Brown, or dB Audioware. He's got a lot of shareware and freeware that you might want to look into. I haven't used his software yet myself, but it's worth checking out. His address is...

Let me know what you thought. I'll tell you something else though. It's well worth the cash to get something like the Waves Native Power Pack. Everyone, and I mean everyone, says this stuff is great, so you really can't go wrong.

Oh, I almost forgot...check out the Cubase Webring. You can find a link on Dave Brown's site and I think even Steinberg has a link somewhere. They've got a shit load of third party developers of plugin software.