Automating Volumes in Logic


New member
Ok so I know I shouldn't do this, but I added vocals to my song after mixing all the instruments. Certain things need to be raised in volumes but I already automated their volumes. Whenever I lower or raise the volumes on the track faders, they read the automation volumes so it doesn't change anything. Is there anyway around this? Is it possible to raise the entire volume of a track while keeping the same level ratio between the automation? It's to for me to phrase the question but say I drop the guitar 3db around 5 seconds then raise it 3db around 10 seconds. Is there any way to raise the volume of the entire track through the fader after doing this?

Hopefully you get what I'm trying to say! Thanks.
Hopefully you get what I'm trying to say! Thanks.

not sure if i do. first of all copy the track in case i'm mistaken.

go to the mixer, arm the track, hit record, and raise the fader when you want to. it should remember it the next time you play the track.
I don't want to add more volume automation. I want to raise the entire volume of a track while keeping the same automated volumes I have, but raising them higher levels. Like if I raise a track from 0 to "3db at 5" seconds, I want to be able to raise the entire track level in the fader. Say I raise the entire track 5 db then that little automation at 5 seconds would go to "8db to 10 db". So in essence I keep the same ratio of difference in the automation but it raises or lowers it as a whole. Sorry if this is confusing. It would help so much though.