Automatic Click Tracks??


New member
Is there any way to play a song and have the program (currently using Sonar 4 Producer Edition) automatically match a click track to the song? What we would like to do, is have the guitarist play the song, and have the software create a click track to match the tempo of what he's playing.

We tried to use the fit improvisation technique but it was nowhere near accurate. We were also able to take what the guitar was playing and change the actual audio so that it was playing at a certain tempo, but not create a tempo to match to the audio.

Since I've been able to adjust the track to play at a certain tempo I know that the software can recognize when the notes are played. I just can't get it to do the opposite. I'm pretty new to the home recording so this may be a stupid question but any advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated. I'm tired of pulling out my hair trying to get a click track, and sitting down with a metronome and trying to map out each section seems wholly inefficient.

Thanks for the help.
eternalwinter said:
Is there any way to play a song and have the program (currently using Sonar 4 Producer Edition) automatically match a click track to the song? What we would like to do, is have the guitarist play the song, and have the software create a click track to match the tempo of what he's playing.

Is recording the guitar track to a click out of the question?
We're playing progressive metal that has a lot of time changes and each song is about 8 - 10 minutes long. It's not out of the question but would be an extremely grueling process. We would have to sit down and figure out each sections tempo, and at each tempo change its not usually a quick and easy change which would mean a lot of manual adjustment. We are just hoping that there's an easier way to do it.
Can you not set the meter to 0/4 and have it not accent the first beat? Then the click track is independent of the meter.
eternalwinter said:
We're playing progressive metal that has a lot of time changes and each song is about 8 - 10 minutes long. It's not out of the question but would be an extremely grueling process. We would have to sit down and figure out each sections tempo, and at each tempo change its not usually a quick and easy change which would mean a lot of manual adjustment. We are just hoping that there's an easier way to do it.
I see what you're saying, but I can't think of any other way than to map it out first.

I don't see that being too difficult, either, as long as the arrangement is consistent.
There are 2 possible ways, though I'm not familiar with your software.....

Either program a tempo map of the song and have the guitar player play to that. But I have a feeling you won't like that option, and it can be time-consuming.

Or, you can have the guitar player play his track, and then use TAP TEMPO to tap the tempo(s) of the song while listening to the guitar track.
We're playing progressive metal that has a lot of time changes and each song is about 8 - 10 minutes long. It's not out of the question but would be an extremely grueling process. We would have to sit down and figure out each sections tempo, and at each tempo change its not usually a quick and easy change which would mean a lot of manual adjustment. We are just hoping that there's an easier way to do it.

There are a bunch of other good reasons to map the tempo out beforehand. Not just for the sake of playing to a click, but it means that everything will line up nicely on the sequencer, which can help immensly with editing later on.

A lot of my stuff has plenty of tempo and signature changes, and I always map it out on the sequencer first. I couldn't imagine not doing it. So ok, it will take a little while to work out the tempo of each part, and programming it in, once you know what goes where, may take about half an hour, but I believe it's worth it. :)