Audix OM 7

Yup...we have an Audix microphone package that we use from time to time but when it comes to vocal microphones we always revert to the Shure Beta SM58.

Oh well a Microphone may not make that much of a difference.
You would want to upgrade your monitor chain.

Do you have a 31 band EQ on your monitors?
And do you use compressors/limiters/gates inserts on the vocal channels of your FOH mixer?
And you may only need to put vocals in the monitors.

Lastly microphone and monitor placement is very important! Make sure that the monitor is directly behind the microphone to make sure of off axis rejection of the microphone, if you have the monitor off to one side of you'll more likely to get feedback.

The OM7 should work better for you than an SM58 as it is meant for a loud sound stage. I use OM6s a lot, but I don't typically work with real high volume acts. Generally seem to work just fine for typical coffee house and bar band stuff. FWIW, I think the Audix OM mics sound better than the SM58.
I've had many acts come through all the time that use audix microphones and I talk them into trying the BETA 58s for sound check and for the most part many of them will go with the BETA who have never used them before and found them very warm and responsive where as the audix will have a very high end harshness to them.

Part of the problem may lie in the settings on the TC. with all of the gains within parameters, you may just be over driving the signal. I had one and trust me, its easy to do.
Check your output level with the unit on and bypassed. The level should be the same.
As far as mics go, the SM58 bleeds too much, so the BETA58 would be a better choice. Try the Beta 87a, it's a great one.
I always thought the Audix mics were too "boxy" sounding.