Audiophile USB? Something Else?


New member
I recently bought a Tascam US-122 used on eBay. I can't say enough horrible things about my experience with this device. I never got it running properly on my lapotop, because it doesn't work properly with Windows XP SP1. Tascam says I have to install the "messenger update" to make it work without constant dropouts in audio, but I can't install this update cuz SP1 is installed, and they won't tell me how to do it, telling me to "ask microsoft." unfortunately, my copy of XP is an OEM version, so microsoft told me to ask compaq, and compaq tech support is staffed by morons.

SO ANYWAY!!! i'm getting rid of the US-122 and I'm looking into something simmilar. Either USB or PCMCIA, has to have analog ins and outs, and midi in and out. The M-Audio Audiophile USB is on the top of my list (I have a delta 1010 at my studio and an audiophile 2496 at home). but i'd like to hear from some who may have used the Audiophile USB on a laptop running Windows XP SP1 with good results. Someone give me some confidence so I can finally use my laptop for recording and performance!!

Thanks folks,
I've had bad experiences with an USB interface myself. The M-Audio Transit works ok on my desktop but not on my laptop and I obviously(!) got it for mobile recording.
I took the gamble and it bit me in the ass. No more USB audio for me.
Your best bet would probably be the firewire version of the Audiophile and if you don't have a firewire interface, you can get one for in your pcmcia slot for pretty cheap.
Wow!!! I am in the same exact boat as you...check this shit out:

I thought I was going crazy, but the SP1 definitely fucks something up with the USB. I was looking for an M-Audio firewire to replace my USB Duo when I found your thread through a search.

I have the M-Audio USB Duo hooked to my laptop and I have had nothing but problems with it. I tried updating my computer with the service pack in hopes that it would fix the problems...but it only caused a whole new set of issues.

You should move this thread over to the soundcard will probably get a lot more action over there. We should keep in touch...since we are looking for the same exact thing. I am about to ask a question over in the soundcard forum about firewire. If I were you...I would definitely stay away from any USB soundcards on a laptop. Invest the extra $$$ and go with firewire.
word... i'm looking at an m-audio firewire card or perhaps a pcmcia card (echo indigo). good news is i'm making my money back on ebay with the us-122. i checked out your thread--i feel your pain. i sold my mesa boogie guitar amp to get a smaller amp and this laptop--thinking i'd use the laptop for live performance and recording... well, as of yet, my laptop has been nothing but a glorified e-mail machine cuz i haven't been able to get the us-122 working. hopefully a firewire card (while more expensive) will get me off the ground. i'm going to do my research on the m-audio firewire cards before i go for one. and if all else fails, i may even go for an m-box (usb, but i know they're stable).
--Tascam says I have to install the "messenger update" to make it work without constant dropouts in audio--

WTF does this have to do with anything? Are they talking about the messenger that is used to chat and IM people? Not only do I not have the update but I removed that thing although. Could that really be causing problems? I don't see the connection.
no it's a specific download simmilar to a service pack that you can't install if SP1 is already on your machine...
nope not that one. it's called the "Messenger Update." not a USB update. and once SP1 is installed on your machine, you have to uninstall SP1 to install the "Messenger Update." as my computer came with SP1 on the install disk, i can't do this. tascam is guilty of writing drivers that are not fully compatable with windows XP and they should be upfront about that...
Sorry if I'm posting stuff you already know about, but I found this on microsoft:;en-us;307271

At the bottom it says: NOTE: The original version of this software update has been superseded by the Windows Messenger Update for Audio/Video and Voice.Net. For additional information about the new patch, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

So I found this update which has a download link to the file Q316397_WXP_SP1_x86_ENU.exe

Is this the one you are refering to ? :)
Hey, smangano.

So are you using a US122? I used mine to record the song in my signature line. I think the box is very cool, with the phantom power pres, direct monitoring, headphones, and even that tuner. I didn't have any trouble with the USB using Windows 98SE.

Glad you got it to work! USB gets such flames here.